About us

Rotary International

Rotary International is a universal network of 1.2 million acquaintances, companions, leaders, and problem-solvers who have a vision of the world where people unite and take action to create a long-lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and ourselves.

Rotary is a 110-year-old international chain of clubs consisting of phenomenal visionaries who, since the establishment of this chain have used their passion, energy and, intelligence to contribute to the development of a sustainable world.

The mission of Rotary is to provide service to others, promote integrity, and advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace through our fellowship of business, professional, and community leaders. Whereas, the far-sighted vision of Rotary sees a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change — across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

About Us

We are Rotaract
District 3131

Rotaract District 3131 is a non- profit organization striving to bring a change in the world by working in various distinctive standing committees along with Rotary International District 3131. (referred to as RID 3131) It functions directly under the guidance of Rotary International.

Rotaract District 3131 emerged at the beginning of Rotary International Year (abbreviated as RIY) 2008 - 09 when RID 3130 was bifurcated into two separate districts. Upon the formation of district, the Rotary and Rotaract organization was given the charge of areas under of Raigad and Pune districts.

Rotaractors belong to an age group of above18 years (no age limit) and primarily work in the standing committees of Professional Development, Club Service, International Services, Community Service, Foundation, and Finance Services. Presently, there are 80+ Rotaract clubs functioning cooperatively in RID 3131.

Rotaractors believe in relishing the work in which they invest their time. We Rotaractors of RID 3131 want to contribute to this world and make it a sustainable place to live for the upcoming generations.

With a phenomenal history in the above-stated avenues and a vast network, we Rotaractors want to make a statement out there through our Rotaract Movement by Excelling and Growing Through Opportunities Together.


DG Anil Parmar
District Governer

Dear Friends,

Heartiest Congratulations for entering a new and expectant RIY 22/23.

Covid Pandemic hit not only our personal lives badly but our Rotary/Rotaract as well.We have recuperated from it and as it is always said create challenges into opportunities , very effectively we supported the community in many ways. I compliment each one of you for the great efforts taken in this Rotaract Movement.
I would like to give best wishes to all club leaders and their teams for coming RI Year.
RIY 22/23 is a Historic year- for the first time in History of Rotary International,we have a Lady RI President Jennifer Jones leading our Organisation.It is a great moment in History of Rotary and Rotaract. As a tribute to her leadership and appeal we have to put our best foot forward and increase our Lady membership significantly in our district. President JenniferJones has given this thought provoking theme “Imagine Rotary” and if we actually start imagining Rotary and its opportunities , so many thing wonderful things come to my mind.
Imagine giving Home to those in need of Shelter,Imagine providing medical help to needy,Imagine World in Peace, Imagine creating Happy Schools and literacy for all , imagine Happy Villages, there is so much to imagine and act upon and fullfill your dreams into reality.
Our RI President Jennifer Jones has promoted the wonderful concept of Diversity Equity and Inclusion . This describe policies and programs that promote the representation and participation of different groups of individuals, including people of different ages, races and ethnicities, abilities and disabilities, genders, religions, cultures and sexual orientations.
We joined Rotary because someone invited us to be a part of this organisation, now it is our moral responsibility to invite atleast one member to our club , motivate him / her and then engage them in our activities so that they are assimilated well.
We are DOING GOOD IN THE WORLD through The Rotary Foundation and I am glad that our District has a strong Participation in Rotary Foundation Programs. We are amongst the Top 10 Contributing Districts of the World Consistently. My Request to all Rotaractors to keep Rotaracting always.

We have to understand that we are in Rotaract to develop ourselves as Individuals as well, have fun and enjoyment and also see to it that our families are also happy. So let us all work Together to Achieve PINNACLE of Success for Our Clubs and RID 3131 and DELIVER HAPPINESS, SPREAD SMILES,ENJOY ROTARY -IMAGINING AND FullFilling our dreams by WORKING HARD TO SATISFY THE NEEDS OF THE COMMUNITY and LETS MAKE IT HAPPEN. Remember “TOGETHER WE CAN AND TOGETHER WE WILL.

Thanks and Regards,
DG Anil Parmar

District Governer

Rtn. Pushkaraj Mulay


Dear Friends,

It is with great pleasure that I forward this message to the district directory of Rotaract District 3131.

Rotaract is a wonderful platform to display your skills, be it in the form of delivering a speech, conducting a club meeting, preparing a project report or even organizing a project reflecting on any of the seven avenues of service. The training and exposure you gain from this wonderful organization will eventually reflect on your professional lives and more importantly it will make you a better person.

The theme set for Rotary this year by the Rotary International President Rtn. Jennifer Jones is 'Imagine Rotary' and it is one of the most fitting and inspiring themes to follow. I would like to make this request to all the Rotaractors to 'Imagine Rotary' where we get up each day knowing that we can make a difference to the world and do something valuable and sustainable for society that you can be proud of not just in this year alone but in the many years to come.

Rotaract has undergone a tremendous transformation over the last few years. During the current Rotary year beginning July 2022, Rotaractors will pay dues to Rotary International thus recording proper membership. I urge Rotaract leaders to be prepared for this change. We must educate the current and future Rotaractors on the various advantages of being a Rotaractor.

I request every Rotaract club to participate jointly with Rotary clubs in Rotary Service Days. Please plan projects to showcase Rotary and Rotaract and also invite at least 25 outsiders to witness the project. This will boost our image and also strengthen Rotaract.

As we commence yet another year of service, let us hope that we have a good beginning as a good beginning is often considered as half the job done.

I would also like to take this opportunity to congratulate and wish the incoming DRR Rtr. Akash Chikate and his council a fruitful year in office.

Let’s together transform Rotaract.

Rtn. Pushkaraj Mulay
District Rotaract Committee Chair

Rtr. Adv. Akash Chikate


My Dear Rotarians and fellow Rotaractors,

Most of us joined the organization in which we only knew the person who had introduced us or in most instances, dragged us in. As we acquaint ourselves with the club; meet new people and take up roles. We find people with common values, virtues, goals, and aspirations. Over time, we nurture relationships with friends with whom we confide our deepest truths. We introduce each other to our families. Certainly, as history shows, we gain a second family.

Being in Rotaract you develop your leadership and professional skills, exchange ideas with community leaders, and have fun through service. Our District 3131 has always outshined around the globe because of the efforts of every Rotaractor and the strong support of every Rotarian behind that Rotaractor.

Leadership, for me, is about two main things, imagination, and courage. Our ability to imagine where we want to be and having the courage to pursue these dreams; the key fuel for that would be having members like you who understand and own the goal.

So, whether you are currently serving on your club's board, whether you have been elected to future leadership or whether you are a committed club member, we all want to win. But leadership, just like life, isn't a game. This is nothing new, but sometimes to take a step forward, we ought to take a step back to see where we were, are, and want to be. Set targets on getting there, align our leadership to understand our imagination of the future and gather the courage to work on our plan. As a leader, our legacy will never be judged by what we do but by how our succession impacts our people. Let's appreciate those who came before us, who are here with us and those who will join us in the future by reigniting our club's purpose and vision and awarding it with a plan that will see triple its potential in three years time.

Remember to Think bigger, and Act bigger because we are going to MAKE IT HAPPEN.

Rtr. Adv. Akash Chikate
RID 3131

Rtr. Sanskruti More


Warm Rotaract Greetings Everyone,

Dear Rotaractors,

Firstly I welcome you all to the new Rotaray International Year 2022-23. A new start comes with a new responsibility. A responsibility which we have to look after, The Responsibility of a Rotaractor!

Being a Rotaractor we have to make sure that we are making a difference.

A thought by Nelson Mandela, "A winner is a dreamer who never gives up". Let's follow this and make sure that we will never give up in any situation, we will always continue to serve as a Rotaractor to develop ourselves professionally, to help the community and to enjoy the rotaract movement.

At the age of 18, I was the youngest President of RID 3131 in RIY 2018-19, that time when I got the opportunity, I grabbed it and gave my 100% to make it count. With this, I would also like to tell you that Rotaract is a platform which provides thousands of opportunities infront of you so Congratulations you have chosen the right track.

So Grab the Opportunity which is coming on your way and make the most out of it.

As a District General Secretary I have a huge responsibility to empower all my Rotaractors and my Rotaract Clubs with all support they require for their Growth, I will make sure that I give full support to all the Rotaractors and Will give my 100% as a DGS of RIY 2022-23.

I am sure with such dynamic personality of our DRR Akash and with support of Our District Executive Council we will be able to Make it Happen in the RI Year 2022-23.

My message to to all of you: Let's work together to create wonders.

Lets #makeithappen

Thanks and Regards,
DGS Sanskruti More
RID 3131


our projects
district 3131.